Ignite student Alex completes epic cycling challenge

Posted on: 12th Jan 2022

Ignite Training student Alex braved the winter elements to complete a 100-mile charity cycle ride last month and raise more than £500 for an Oxfordshire charity.

Alex pedalled his way through December in aid of Autism Family Support, a charity dedicated to helping young people living with autism and their families.

Initially, Alex planned to raise £100 for the Abingdon-based charity. But friends and colleagues quickly rallied around his fundraising challenge to collectively raise £535.

Alex, who himself is autistic, smashed his targets while studying an alternative education programme delivered by our team of tutors.

Kyle Bestley is one of those tutors. He said Alex’s efforts perfectly demonstrate what can be achieved when someone puts their mind to a task, regardless of the barriers they might face.

He added: “A huge congratulations to Alex for completing his 100-mile charity cycle ride challenge and raising an outstanding £535. Cycling such a large distance in the peak of winter makes Alex’s achievement even more remarkable and everyone at Ignite Sport is very proud of his efforts.

“Autism Family Support is a charity close to Alex and his family’s heart. His fundraising will ensure the charity can continue to support children and young people with autism to be happy, healthy, and to achieve and thrive.

“Alex would like to thank everyone who supported his cycle ride and hopes the challenge has helped promote awareness of autism across Oxfordshire.”

Justin Merritt, Ignite Training CEO, added: “Cycling 100 miles in the cold and rain takes some determination, but Alex didn’t allow the elements to phase him during his December challenge.

“We were so pleased when his £100 fundraising target was fulfilled at the beginning of the month. To end the year having raised five-times what he planned is remarkable and testament his spirit and commitment.

“Well done Alex, you’ve raised a brilliant amount of money for a very worthwhile cause.”

Gita Lobo, CEO at Autism Family Support Oxfordshire said: “We are delighted that Alex chose to fundraise for us. Alex’s determination and achievement is inspiring to us, our young people, and families.

“We are a small local charity but are very dynamic – my small team of family and youth workers help support over 4,000 children and young people in Oxfordshire. We need to raise over £200,000 in 2022, so Alex has provided a great start to the year and we hope it encourages others to do the same.”

Autism Family Support Oxfordshire (AFSO) supports children and young people living with autism and their families. The charity works to nurture, enable and inspire the autism community via information for parents, youth groups and activities, and training.

Further information about the charity is available via its website.

If you’d like to make a last-minute donation to Alex’s 100-mile challenge, please visit Kyle Bestley is fundraising for Autism Family Support Oxfordshire (justgiving.com).

About Ignite Training

Established in 1999, Ignite’s primary aim is to actively inspire people, and to help create a sense of achievement for everyone. Based in Oxford and operating nationally, we provide a portfolio of training and services to individuals, schools and the sports industry, ranging from weekly clubs for tots to adult courses and apprenticeships.

About Ignite Training