COMMENT: Five reasons to choose Ignite as your apprenticeship training provider

Posted on: 31st May 2024

Sorcha Murphy, Business Development Manager at Ignite Training, discusses five reasons why organisations looking to invest in apprenticeships should choose to partner with Ignite.

At Ignite, we consistently champion the value which working with apprentices provides to employers across a whole raft of sectors.

We’re always open to working with new organisations, charities and sports clubs to explore how we can support you in creating a fit and competent workforce for the future.

Below are five reasons why Ignite Training is the right partner to help your business in training new and existing staff to the highest possible standard.

  1. Tailored education

We work closely with all  our apprentices and the companies they work for to create a bespoke, tailored educational package. We get to know exactly what it is both they and you are looking to gain from the qualification, and use this information to inform our teaching.

Most employers who take on an apprentice find experience increases skill levels across their business, because placing a focus on education encourages professional development across the board.

  1. Personal service

As well as getting to know our apprentices, we also get to know you, the employer, ensuring we can provide a highly personalised service at every stage.

We get to know your business goals so we can give you the best possible advice in terms of how to get the most out of your apprentice. Understanding the skills your apprentice needs to develop helps to inform our educational plan to make sure it is appropriate to the job in question.

  1. Seven day a week support

If you need help at any point, the team at Ignite are available seven days a week to get you back on track.

We want to make sure you feel supported at all times along the course of your apprenticeship journey, which is why we make sure we are available every day should you need us.

  1. Meaningful relationships

We put in the time to build meaningful relationships with our apprentices and invest in one to one support.

We want to make sure their training is thorough and apprentices enjoy a full and complete understanding of everything they’re learning about. This means carving out time to spend with each apprentice on a one to one basis.

As an employer, this gives you the peace of mind to feel comfortable in letting your apprentice take on new challenges in the workplace.

Geography is never a barrier either. Regardless of your location in the UK, our team will organise multiple in-person visits each year to strengthen ties between our tutors and your apprentices.

  1. 25 years’ experience

Our founder, Justin, started Ignite over 25 years ago. For a quarter of a century, he has been a passionate advocate for apprenticeships and how they can improve the working lives of both employees and employers. Under Justin’s leadership, Ignite has gone from strength to strength.

One of the key reasons you should consider working with Ignite is that we are experienced in what we do. We have been working with apprentices and employers for decades, which means we know our role inside out. By working with us to train your new or existing staff members, you’re putting your trust in the hands of people with years of expertise in what they do.

If you would like to learn more about the service we provide and chat through the unique challenges your business faces, get in touch with us today.

About Ignite Training

Established in 1999, Ignite’s primary aim is to actively inspire people, and to help create a sense of achievement for everyone. Based in Oxford and operating nationally, we provide a portfolio of training and services to individuals, schools and the sports industry, ranging from weekly clubs for tots to adult courses and apprenticeships.

About Ignite Training